it revolves around one principal charcter named Joe. In the book, our hero, Joe, ends up in a hospital critically injured. how he was injured is revealed as the story progresses.
anyway, Joey's lost both his arms, both his legs and most of his face. the only reason he's alive is b'coz whatever hit him somehow missed his brain and his heart. so there he is, lying in a hospital bed, unable to move, unable to see, unable to talk and unable to hear., b'coz he's lost his eyes, ears and even his nose. he breathes and is fed through tubes stuck in his lungs and stomach.
as is evident, he has nothing to do except lie around all day and think. and his thoughts are what make up the content of the novel. the whole novel is literally a trip down Joe's memory lane, a peek into his thoughts.
his thoughts are all anti-war. there's one particular chapter, chapter no. 10. when the anti-war sentiment first begins to manifest itself. that, in my opinion, is the best piece of literature i have ever read so far. i seriously recommend every reading buff to read it.
his thoughts are all anti-war. there's one particular chapter, chapter no. 10. when the anti-war sentiment first begins to manifest itself. that, in my opinion, is the best piece of literature i have ever read so far. i seriously recommend every reading buff to read it.
well, today was okay. no too dull, not too exciting. will let ya'll know the minute something happens.
till next time,
Bearded Evil.